Illinois may soon see the speed limit increase to 70 mph. The State Senate passed a bill yesterday that would increase the speed limit to 70 mph on interstate highways. The measure was passed on a 41-6 vote. 4NXW97JCEM6F
The current top speed on the interstate is 65 mph in rural areas, and 55 mph in urban areas. The law would push the limit up to 70 mph, which is the speed limit for more than 30 other states.
But the legislation would allow Cook County and all collar counties to opt out, and also two counties adjacent to St. Louis.
The measure is expected to pass the House and be signed by the Governor. The law would go into effect on January 1, 2014.
It is unclear how the Illinois State Police feel about an increased speed limit. The fact is that near Chicago, almost all traffic exceeds the speed limit by at least 10 mph. Some troopers may feel the 70 mph limit will encourage drivers to speed even more.
Remember that starting July 1, 2013, there is no court supervision for speeding more than 25 over the limit in an urban district.