by Sami Azhari on January 16, 2012
We return in 2012 for an update on the law against driving under the influence in the state of Illinois. While crimes such as domestic battery, theft, and murder have not changed in decades, the laws on DUI are changing every year. The statute that prohibits driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs remains […]
by Sami Azhari on December 3, 2011
A preferred outcome in many driving under the influence cases is reckless driving. The reason is reckless driving does not impact a person’s driving privileges in the same way as a DUI. The Secretary of State is mandated by law to revoke the driver’s license of any person who is convicted of DUI. The statute […]
by Sami Azhari on November 8, 2011
One issue from an arrest for driving under the influence that is confusing is the difference between the summary suspension and the criminal offense of DUI. Many people believe that if you are found not guilty of DUI, then your driver’s license will not be suspended. This is not true. Unfortunately, the law on DUI […]
by Sami Azhari on September 8, 2011
Many people are confused about the difference between a summary suspension and supervision. The two may sound alike, but they are very different. A summary suspension concerns your driver’s license. Your license to drive is suspended usually 46 days after an arrest for driving under the influence. The suspension is called a statutory summary suspension. […]
by Sami Azhari on August 11, 2011
Most people who are arrested for DUI are not aware of the fact that an arrest by itself creates a criminal record. It does not matter that they have not been found guilty in a court of law. Rather, an arrest for DUI is recorded by the police department to the Illinois State Police. The […]
by Sami Azhari on May 25, 2011
Examine the numbers of arrests for driving under the influence in Illinois, and you can see that on average, the driver takes a breathalyzer test. When the driver takes a breathalyzer test, and fails, he is charged with violating 625 ILCS 5/11-501(a)(1) for having an alcohol concentration is breath of 0.08 or higher. Despite the […]
by Sami Azhari on May 24, 2011
A charge of driving under the influence of alcohol in Illinois generally takes two forms. One, the driver is charged with violating section 625 ILCS 5/11-501(a)(1). Two, the driver is accused of violating section 11-501(a)(2). Each charge has its own implications. In this article, we are going to look at charge of 11-501(a)(1). This type […]
by Sami Azhari on April 28, 2011
The Illinois legislature is debating a bill that would legalize cannabis in medicinal use. House of Representatives is considering HB 30 in the present legislative session. The bill is sponsored by Lou Lang, a Democrat from Skokie. The bill would establish the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Pilot Program. Any person with a debilitating medical […]
by Sami Azhari on February 6, 2011
The state legislature has amended the DUI statutes in 2011 and established additional civil penalties for people accused of driving under the influence. The law in Illinois up to 2010 provided that if a person was involved in a motor vehicle accident that resulted in personal injury or death, the police were allowed to draw […]
by Sami Azhari on December 19, 2010
A second arrest for driving under the influence carries additional penalties for a person’s driving privileges. First, the statutory summary suspension will take effect 46 days after the date of arrest. If the person has either a DUI or summary suspension in the last 5 years, then that person is not a ‘first offender’ for […]