Attention: This article was originally published April 01, 2014. The information has since been reviewed for accuracy and is up-to-date as of December 2019. Drive too fast and you might go to jail. No, seriously. And if you have been pulled over for speeding by a State Trooper, you may have been told the same […]

A preferred outcome in many driving under the influence cases is reckless driving. The reason is reckless driving does not impact a person’s driving privileges in the same way as a DUI. The Secretary of State is mandated by law to revoke the driver’s license of any person who is convicted of DUI. The statute […]

An arrest for driving under the influence will result typically in a misdemeanor charge on the first offense. Specifically, a DUI is a Class A misdemeanor under Illinois law. It is categorized the same as other crimes like domestic battery, theft, etc. The penalty for a Class A misdemeanor is up to one year in […]