by Sami Azhari on March 12, 2011
The state legislature has added a new provision to the forfeiture statute in Illinois for 2011. This new law provides prosecutors another way to penalize intoxicated drivers. The law in Illinois allows the police to tow the vehicle of any person who was arrested for driving under the influence. Most municipalities impose a $500 administrative […]
by Sami Azhari on February 14, 2011
The state legislature added another offense to the Illinois Vehicle Code in 2011. Passed as Public Act 96-1237, the new law became effective on January 1, 2011. The law adds a new charge to the DUI laws already on the books. The new law can be found at 625 ILCS 5/11-507. It is called supervising […]
by Sami Azhari on February 8, 2011
Every person who was arrested for driving under the influence in Illinois should look back at the traffic stop. The question that must be answered is, why was the defendant pulled over in the first place? A traffic stop is legally a seizure that falls under the 4th Amendment to the United States Constitution. The […]
by Sami Azhari on January 15, 2011
The Illinois legislature has increased the penalties for traffic tickets in 2011. A new law has gone into effect that requires the Secretary of State to revoke the driver’s license of any person who is convicted of a vehicle code offense that is the proximate cause of the death of another. Most people are aware […]
by Sami Azhari on January 12, 2011
Illinois law on driving under the influence changed significantly in 2008. In that year, the legislature added additional penalties for the offense of DUI. For example, an arrest for DUI where the driver does not have a valid license turned into a felony offense. For years defendants who were arrested for DUI without a valid […]
by Sami Azhari on December 19, 2010
An arrest for driving under the influence in Illinois can be deceiving. Usually the driver is released from police custody on a signature bond. Few are required to post bond. Further, the charges are filed on traffic tickets. Some people develop expectations that the DUI may not be a serious matter. This mindset is sometimes […]
by Sami Azhari on October 30, 2010
A speeding ticket in Illinois can result in a fine and traffic school. In some instances, it can result in a suspended license. Recent changes in the law make certain tickets more serious. Beginning in 2011, a speeding ticket for driving 31 mph over the limit is a criminal offense. The new law makes it […]
by Sami Azhari on October 24, 2010
A violation of the rules for the Monitoring Device Driving Permit (MDDP) can cause the Secretary of State to take adverse action against that person’s driving privileges. The Secretary of State can extend the summary suspension, cancel the permit all together, and even require the driver to obtain a restricted driving permit after the summary […]
by Sami Azhari on October 23, 2010
The Monitoring Device Driving Permit (MDDP) that is available for first offenders is subject to certain terms and conditions. These rules apply to all permitees, regardless of the individual circumstances of their case. For example, a person whose driver’s license is suspended for a positive urine test for cannabis or a controlled substance must used […]
by Sami Azhari on October 12, 2010
When a driver is confronted with an order from the police to pull over, failure to do so can result in serious criminal charges. The penalties for failing to stop are enhanced if the driver commits multiple moving violations prior to making a complete stop. The law in Illinois says that fleeing or attempting to […]