People in Illinois can have suspensions and revocations on their licenses. A driver can get suspended or revoked for a variety of reasons, such as accumulating traffic convictions, a DUI conviction, or other specific traffic offenses that can lead to such a penalty on their own. This article explores the differences between informal and formal […]
Even though a new Illinois law, effective January 1, 2016, will now provide protections to first time aggravated speeding offenders, punishments for driving over the speed limit may still carry harsh sentences and require the assistance of effective, experienced legal counsel. Illinois law has been historically unforgiving when it comes to speeding offenses. While most […]

Most people with multiple drunk driving offenses do not assume they will be (legally) behind the wheel for quite a while following their arrest. Illinois has strict mandatory driver’s license suspension laws that make it difficult for even first time offenders to start driving again. For those with more than two or three convictions, they […]

Many people face the inconvenience of losing their license for a period in their lifetime. Whether it be due to drug or alcohol offense, an accumulation of speeding tickets, or reckless driving charges, license suspension is almost a given in each circumstance. Often, individuals are eligible to lawfully re-instate their license after a period of […]
It has long been Illinois policy that any amount of cannabis in the blood or urine of a driver can be the basis for a DUI charge. As of January 2014, Illinois updated the DUI laws in response to its new medical marijuana law. Under the new law, a qualifying patient under the Medical Cannabis Pilot […]
The nation’s highest court gave police broad powers to stop vehicles based on anonymous tips in a recent opinion. In the Navarette v. California case, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the police can pull over a vehicle based on an anonymous tip that the driver is intoxicated without observing any traffic violations themselves, […]
The Illinois legislature changed a section in the Vehicle Code in 2014, establishing severe penalties for driving with a suspended or revoked license. Driving while license suspended, 625 ILCS 5/6-303(a), is in most situations a Class A misdemeanor. The maximum penalty for such an offense is up to one year in jail (364 days). But […]

For years, DUI offenders have had to worry about their driver’s licenses and the possibility of incarceration. But recently, prosecutors have given defendants another cause for concern. The government can seize a DUI offender’s vehicle, and after a process called civil forfeiture, sell the vehicle at auction and keep the proceeds. The process takes place […]

Drive a vehicle illegally on Illinois roads, and you might not take the vehicle home with you. An obscure law in this state allows the police to seize the vehicle and sell it. And in situations where someone other than the owner was driving, those vehicles can be seized and sold over the owner’s objection. […]

Statistics from the Federal Bureau of Investigation have alarmed anti-drunk driving advocates: more women are getting arrested for DUI than ever before. In 2011, the most recent year nationwide statistics are available from the FBI, women accounted for 25 percent of all DUI arrests. Many are concerned because the percentage of arrests was as low […]