by Sami Azhari on May 14, 2013
In an historic vote, the National Transportation Safety Board recommended today that all 50 states lower the legal limit from 0.08 to 0.05 for driving under the influence. At the present time, all 50 states have a limit for the alcohol concentration in any person’s blood or breath of 0.08. Anyone who operates a motor […]
by Sami Azhari on October 24, 2010
A violation of the rules for the Monitoring Device Driving Permit (MDDP) can cause the Secretary of State to take adverse action against that person’s driving privileges. The Secretary of State can extend the summary suspension, cancel the permit all together, and even require the driver to obtain a restricted driving permit after the summary […]
by Sami Azhari on October 12, 2010
When a driver is confronted with an order from the police to pull over, failure to do so can result in serious criminal charges. The penalties for failing to stop are enhanced if the driver commits multiple moving violations prior to making a complete stop. The law in Illinois says that fleeing or attempting to […]