by Sami Azhari on February 19, 2020
NOTE: This article has been updated to reflect the law as of 2020. The penalties listed are the most recent penalties pursuant to 625 ILCS 5/11-501. The penalties for an arrest for driving under the influence in Illinois were increased in 2011 and those penalties exist today. A second offense of DUI is still a […]
by Sami Azhari on February 4, 2013
In the year 2017, driving under the influence remains one of the most highly politicized offenses in Illinois courts. There is no offense that will get a prosecutor fired quicker for giving a good deal than DUI. In these cases, Assistant State’s Attorneys are always wary of how it will look after they give the […]
by Sami Azhari on December 31, 2012
State lawmakers in Springfield made a significant change to the Illinois Vehicle Code in 2013. The change is important because it could impact a person who was charged with driving under the influence. The law in our state allows law enforcement officers to seize property that was used in the commission of a criminal offense. […]
by Sami Azhari on January 16, 2012
We return in 2012 for an update on the law against driving under the influence in the state of Illinois. While crimes such as domestic battery, theft, and murder have not changed in decades, the laws on DUI are changing every year. The statute that prohibits driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs remains […]
by Sami Azhari on May 25, 2011
There are very strict rules under Illinois law governing a commercial driver’s license. If you have a commercial driver’s license (CDL), you have to be careful. There are certain offenses that will cause the Secretary of State to disqualify you. These charges may look like any other traffic ticket. You may have a traffic court […]
by Sami Azhari on April 2, 2011
Another year comes and another set of penalties for driving under the influence in Illinois. The law in Illinois on DUI changes every year. The reasons for this include the fact that ambiguities in earlier statutes are detected or become problematic in court, and these instances are reported to state lawmakers. Another reason the law […]
by Sami Azhari on January 15, 2011
The Illinois legislature has increased the penalties for traffic tickets in 2011. A new law has gone into effect that requires the Secretary of State to revoke the driver’s license of any person who is convicted of a vehicle code offense that is the proximate cause of the death of another. Most people are aware […]
by Sami Azhari on October 12, 2010
When a driver is confronted with an order from the police to pull over, failure to do so can result in serious criminal charges. The penalties for failing to stop are enhanced if the driver commits multiple moving violations prior to making a complete stop. The law in Illinois says that fleeing or attempting to […]
by Sami Azhari on September 30, 2010
A charge of driving under the influence in Illinois has serious consequences. Most DUI offenders are charged with a Class A misdemeanor offense of DUI. A Class A misdemeanor is punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of $2,500. If the defendant is found guilty of a crime, then he is […]
by Sami Azhari on September 10, 2010
Driving while license suspended is a criminal offense in the state of Illinois. The offense is typically charged by a police officer by issuing a traffic ticket and releasing the defendant at the police station. This practice is deceiving because it does not accurately represent the seriousness of the offense. The statute for driving while […]