by Sami Azhari on February 4, 2013
In the year 2017, driving under the influence remains one of the most highly politicized offenses in Illinois courts. There is no offense that will get a prosecutor fired quicker for giving a good deal than DUI. In these cases, Assistant State’s Attorneys are always wary of how it will look after they give the […]
by Sami Azhari on January 16, 2012
We return in 2012 for an update on the law against driving under the influence in the state of Illinois. While crimes such as domestic battery, theft, and murder have not changed in decades, the laws on DUI are changing every year. The statute that prohibits driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs remains […]
by Sami Azhari on April 2, 2011
Another year comes and another set of penalties for driving under the influence in Illinois. The law in Illinois on DUI changes every year. The reasons for this include the fact that ambiguities in earlier statutes are detected or become problematic in court, and these instances are reported to state lawmakers. Another reason the law […]