Illinois traffic laws are designed to minimize offenses and protect the general public. In the interest of safety, Illinois employs a severe series of penalties for drivers with repeated traffic offenses. In certain cases, multiple traffic tickets can lead to suspension or even revocation of driving privileges. Every time a person receives a ticket for a […]
driving while license suspended

Many people face the inconvenience of losing their license for a period in their lifetime. Whether it be due to drug or alcohol offense, an accumulation of speeding tickets, or reckless driving charges, license suspension is almost a given in each circumstance. Often, individuals are eligible to lawfully re-instate their license after a period of […]
The Illinois legislature changed a section in the Vehicle Code in 2014, establishing severe penalties for driving with a suspended or revoked license. Driving while license suspended, 625 ILCS 5/6-303(a), is in most situations a Class A misdemeanor. The maximum penalty for such an offense is up to one year in jail (364 days). But […]

State lawmakers in Springfield made a significant change to the Illinois Vehicle Code in 2013. The change is important because it could impact a person who was charged with driving under the influence. The law in our state allows law enforcement officers to seize property that was used in the commission of a criminal offense. […]
Lawmakers in Springfield are drafting legislation that would provide a way for illegal immigrants to get driver’s licenses. The bill has not been introduced in the General Assembly, but legislators expect to make the proposal soon. This is not the first time our state lawmakers have tried to legalize undocumented aliens on the road. A similar […]

If you were pulled over by a police officer and given a ticket for driving without a valid license, you are looking at some serious problems. Contrary to what many people believe, getting a ticket for driving without a valid license, 625 ILCS 5/6-101, is the same as getting arrested. Legally speaking, the fact that […]
A violation of the rules for the Monitoring Device Driving Permit (MDDP) can cause the Secretary of State to take adverse action against that person’s driving privileges. The Secretary of State can extend the summary suspension, cancel the permit all together, and even require the driver to obtain a restricted driving permit after the summary […]
Driving while license suspended is a criminal offense in the state of Illinois. The offense is typically charged by a police officer by issuing a traffic ticket and releasing the defendant at the police station. This practice is deceiving because it does not accurately represent the seriousness of the offense. The statute for driving while […]