DuPage County DUI
An arrest for driving under the influence in DuPage County will be prosecuted in the Wheaton courthouse. The offense is a Class A misdemeanor resulting in possible jail time of up to one year, in addition to the loss of driving privileges for 6 months, 12 months and as much as 36 months.
However, the driver may have a right to reinstatement of driving privileges after a hearing. So, a lawyer should be consulted as soon as possible.
The DuPage County State’s Attorney has a policy of seeking a conviction in every case, even if it is the accused’s first offense. Therefore, each case should be thoroughly reviewed for probable cause and reasonable doubt.
by Sami Azhari on December 16, 2019
If the defendant is found guilty of driving under the influence, the court will proceed to sentencing. It is during the sentencing stage of a case that a person risks having his driver’s license revoked, and being incarcerated in jail. As of 2019, the law in Illinois allows the judge to sentence the defendant to […]
by Sami Azhari on February 4, 2013
In the year 2017, driving under the influence remains one of the most highly politicized offenses in Illinois courts. There is no offense that will get a prosecutor fired quicker for giving a good deal than DUI. In these cases, Assistant State’s Attorneys are always wary of how it will look after they give the […]
by Sami Azhari on August 27, 2012
The Daily Herald is reporting that the number of traffic tickets in DuPage County has decreased. But it’s not because the police aren’t enforcing the law. The recession is to blame. From the report: Police officers wrote 149,977 traffic tickets in DuPage between July 2011 and this past June, according to data from the circuit court […]
by Sami Azhari on January 22, 2012
Driving under the influence is the only offense in Illinois that requires the offender to undergo an evaluation before sentencing. The evaluation is mandated by statute. There is one exception to this rule, and it shows how seriously the law treats a DUI. The only other case in which the defendant is required to have […]
by Sami Azhari on January 16, 2012
We return in 2012 for an update on the law against driving under the influence in the state of Illinois. While crimes such as domestic battery, theft, and murder have not changed in decades, the laws on DUI are changing every year. The statute that prohibits driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs remains […]
by Sami Azhari on December 23, 2011
Call the cops on a drunk driver, win $100. This is the Drunk Busters program in Illinois sponsored by the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists (AAIM). Drunk Busters started in Illinois in 1990 and has spread nationwide. AAIM promises to pay $100 to anyone who calls 911 to report an intoxicated driver and later the call […]
by Sami Azhari on December 3, 2011
A preferred outcome in many driving under the influence cases is reckless driving. The reason is reckless driving does not impact a person’s driving privileges in the same way as a DUI. The Secretary of State is mandated by law to revoke the driver’s license of any person who is convicted of DUI. The statute […]
by Sami Azhari on September 8, 2011
Many people are confused about the difference between a summary suspension and supervision. The two may sound alike, but they are very different. A summary suspension concerns your driver’s license. Your license to drive is suspended usually 46 days after an arrest for driving under the influence. The suspension is called a statutory summary suspension. […]
by Sami Azhari on April 2, 2011
Another year comes and another set of penalties for driving under the influence in Illinois. The law in Illinois on DUI changes every year. The reasons for this include the fact that ambiguities in earlier statutes are detected or become problematic in court, and these instances are reported to state lawmakers. Another reason the law […]
by Sami Azhari on September 30, 2010
A charge of driving under the influence in Illinois has serious consequences. Most DUI offenders are charged with a Class A misdemeanor offense of DUI. A Class A misdemeanor is punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of $2,500. If the defendant is found guilty of a crime, then he is […]