Attention: This article was originally published April 01, 2014. The information has since been reviewed for accuracy and is up-to-date as of December 2019. Drive too fast and you might go to jail. No, seriously. And if you have been pulled over for speeding by a State Trooper, you may have been told the same […]
Illinois State Police

State and local law enforcement agencies are increasing the number of DUI checkpoints Labor Day weekend. The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), the Illinois State Police and nearly 350 local law enforcement agencies today are gearing up to increase patrol activities for Labor Day weekend in order to make Illinois roadways safer for the heavily […]

The Illinois State Police and north suburban police departments are teaming up this summer in a traffic enforcement initiative called “Operation Rogue Rider.” The effort will target motorcyclists who are speeding or riding recklessly on the Edens Expressway (I-94) in Skokie and Lincolnwood. I-94 in that area is narrow, with only four lanes traveling in […]

The Illinois State Police and local police departments across the state begin a statewide crackdown on drunk driving on the July 4th holiday. The crackdown takes place every year under the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over and Click It or Ticket programs. The mechanism for increased DUI enforcement is the roadblock. Police officers may […]
The Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists (AAIM) has released the results of its 2011 survey of police departments across the state concerning DUI. The non-profit advocacy group takes a survey each year of all police departments and uses the information to compile statistics about arrests by each department, county, etc. The police departments’ participation in the […]
The spring and summer traffic season is fast approaching in the Chicago area. As is the case every year, motorists can expect increased delays due to construction, and holiday traffic jams. But motorists can also expect what has become an annual tradition on Chicago region highways: increased enforcement of work zone speed limits by automated […]